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Small Business Group Health Insurance

How to Start Offering Health Insurance Benefits in Dallas, TX. 

A significant milestone for any small businesses is providing small business health insurance for the first time. But, where do you start when you're ready to start offering employee health benefits? 

Let's take a quick look...


Step #1: Work with a trusted insurance agency

To help navigate your best options, work with an experienced insurance agent who is knowledgeable about small business health insurance options, health care reform, and defined contribution health plans. 


Step #2: Understand the advantages and value of offering employee health benefits. 

Your agent can help you better understand advantages, such as: 


  • Recruitment & Retention of Employees: Employee health benefits are an important tool in recruiting key employees and retaining your top talent.


  • Tax advantages: When you offer a traditional group health plan or an alternative such as a defined contribution health plan, you can offer your employees a tax-advantaged health benefit. 


  • Employee wellness: Insurance coverage helps to keep employees working and healthy. More affordable access to health care and preventative care can prevent your employees from taking long periods of leave, allowing your small business to improve its bottom line and be more productive.  


The Thumann Agency can help you build a healthy business. Start your group health insurance quote today.


Step #3: Research your employee health benefits options, to find the best solution for you and your employees. 

Today there are new choices for small business owners when offering health benefits. The two main types are a traditional group health insurance plan and a defined contribution health plan:


  • Group Health Insurance Plan: This group health insurance plan covers all employees and their family members. Also called "employer-sponsored" health insurance. 


  • Defined Contribution Health Plan: This plan allows employers to fix their costs on a monthly basis by establishing a defined contribution health plan, rather than paying the costs to provide a specific group health insurance plan (a "defined benefit"). 


Within these two types, there are more options to consider. Talk to an agent for more information. 


Step #3: Analyze the costs and risks of providing health benefits.

As a small business owner, you must assess the risk and cost of any new expense. At the Thumann Agency, we offer several small group health insurance plans that can be tailored to meet your budget and coverage needs.

Whether you have ten employees or fifty; we'll help ensure that your health insurance is affordable and designed to keep your employees healthy.


For more information, call and talk to an agent today at (972) 991.91900