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How Natural Disasters Affect Commercial Property Insurance

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Natural disasters including hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and earthquakes can have a big influence on commercial property insurance. When a firm is damaged by a natural disaster, the costs of repairing or rebuilding can be significant. 

Commercial property insurance plans are intended to protect businesses from such losses; however, the degree of such coverage varies based on the region, type of disaster, and policy terms. Understanding how natural catastrophes affect commercial property insurance is critical for business owners to provide enough coverage to protect their assets and operations in the event of an unforeseen calamity.

Types of Natural Disasters That Affect Commercial Properties in Texas


Hurricanes are among the most severe natural disasters threatening commercial properties. Hurricanes like Harvey in 2017 inflicted over $125 billion in damage, serving as a profound reminder of their potential impact. When businesses endure significant infrastructure damage, it often leads to long-term closures and financial distress. The Houston business community's experience during this disaster highlights the importance of planned recovery strategies informed by the crucial role insurance plays in rebuilding efforts.

While hurricanes bring violent winds and rain primarily to coastal areas, they aren't the only weather-related threats to commercial land.


Tornadoes represent a unique risk in Texas—averaging about 132 tornadoes per year, the state experiences more than any other. Such incidences underline the importance of having robust insurance policies that encompass tornado-related damages. For business owners, knowing how to navigate claims processes efficiently can make a significant difference in recovery timelines.

However, it’s equally crucial to understand that floods can be even more insidious and damaging than wind events, often striking when least expected.


Flooding poses a significant threat, but standard commercial property insurance generally does not cover flood-related events, creating gaps that can cripple businesses caught off guard. Separate flood insurance becomes essential for safeguarding against these risks. Events like the flooding from the Trinity River in 2019 devastated numerous businesses across Dallas—all leading to substantial financial losses for those without adequate coverage. This scenario accentuates how critical it is for business owners in flood-prone areas to invest time learning about their coverage options and ensuring they have policies tailored to their specific risks.


In recent years, wildfires have become an alarming reality for many Texas businesses. With escalating temperatures leading to increased frequency and intensity, wildfires burned over 500,000 acres in Texas during 2020 alone. The destruction not only threatens physical assets but also jeopardizes entire business operations. A poignant testimony from an Austin business owner impacted by the Bastrop fire exemplifies this crisis: "Our business was devastated by the Bastrop fire, but insurance helped us rebuild." These experiences highlight the necessity for comprehensive wildfire coverage in conjunction with standard policies.

While wildfires present significant risks, it's important not to overlook other, less common natural disasters that could still affect property security.


Earthquake risks are fairly minimal in Texas compared to states like California; however, they are not entirely negligible, especially in West Texas, where seismic activity occurs sporadically. Standard commercial property insurance policies typically do not include earthquake damage. Investing in additional coverage may therefore be a prudent decision depending on location-based risk assessments.

Recognizing how these natural disasters intersect with coverage nuances opens the door to understanding broader implications on insurance policies and premiums.

Impact on Commercial Property Insurance Coverage and Premiums

The frequency and severity of natural disasters have a tangible effect on insurance policy terms. Since many policies frequently exclude natural disasters under "special perils," it is crucial for business owners to comprehend the extent of coverage and exclusions. 

For instance, while general liability coverage might protect against standard risks, events like floods or earthquakes typically require separate add-on policies. This segmentation ensures that businesses have tailored protections aligned with their unique vulnerabilities.

Coverage Specifics

It’s worth noting that if your company operates in areas prone to certain natural disasters, obtaining separate insurance for flood, earthquake, and windstorm is imperative. The fine print of your policy typically details exclusions, and deciphering this can reveal potential coverage gaps that you may need to address proactively.

Consider conducting an annual risk assessment for your commercial property to ensure your coverage remains adequate as environmental conditions change, particularly in light of increased disaster frequency due to climate change.

Premium Considerations

When it comes to premium costs, they can fluctuate dramatically based on geographic location and associated risks. For example, coastal areas in Texas bear the brunt of hurricane threats, leading to premiums that can soar 20–25% higher than other regions.

Across the country, commercial property insurance premiums typically range from $500 to $5,000 annually, with factors such as the building's age, construction materials, proximity to water bodies, and local hazard history primarily influencing this rate. Understanding these metrics helps businesses benchmark their own insurance costs against averages within their industry.

This data isn’t simply academic; small businesses should actively seek out multiple quotes to find the best coverage options available. In competitive markets, insurers may offer favorable rates or added coverage enhancements as a strategy to attract clients with specific disaster exposure needs.

Insurer Adjustments

It's also essential to recognize how natural disasters affect insurers themselves. An increasing number are pulling out of high-risk areas or drastically raising premiums in response to climate-related claims. Such actions can place significant strain on business owners who may suddenly find themselves either underinsured or facing steep price hikes during periods of economic uncertainty.

In this rapidly evolving landscape, it becomes crucial for business owners not only to familiarize themselves with their current policies but also to make it a habit to review and update them regularly.

For organizations operating in high-risk regions—think floodplains or regions prone to seismic activity—consulting an insurance advisor who specializes in commercial properties can provide valuable insights into comprehensive coverage strategies that protect investments without overextending budgets.

Additionally, putting in place risk mitigation strategies such as enhanced building reinforcements for hurricanes or installing drainage systems can sometimes lead insurers to offer discounts, further making regular reviews beneficial.

Understanding these critical aspects surrounding commercial property insurance reveals how crucial it is for business operators to prepare adequately. Preparing for unexpected challenges involves knowing how best to approach the claims process when faced with natural disasters.

Ways to Safeguard Your Business with Extensive Insurance Coverage

Protecting your business requires a multipronged approach tailored toward the unique risks you face. An effective strategy begins with regular policy reviews, which serve as critical checkpoints to assess whether your coverage reflects current circumstances and potential threats.

Regularly scheduled discussions with your insurance agent allow for adjustments based on changes in operations or external environments. Beyond annual policy reviews, consider specialized coverage options that can provide additional layers of protection tailored specifically to the risks inherent in your geographic area.

Specialized Coverage

  • Flood Insurance: Essential for businesses located in flood-prone areas, this coverage offers significant financial support during water damage incidents. Without it, you risk facing overwhelming repair costs.

  • Earthquake Insurance: If you live in a seismic zone, earthquake insurance is essential; standard policies might not cover earthquake damage, which could result in catastrophic losses if you're unprepared.

  • Windstorm Insurance: This insurance, which is particularly important for coastal properties, protects your business from storm damage caused by high winds and hurricanes.

Implementing these coverages alone isn’t enough; coupling them with robust safety measures solidifies your defenses against the unpredictable nature of disasters.

Why Choose an Independent Insurance Agency for Your Commercial Property Insurance?

Choosing an independent insurance agent to negotiate for your Commercial Property Insurance provides numerous major benefits:

Access to several carriers

Working with many insurance companies, independent insurance agents provide a range of coverage choices and pricing. This lets you weigh and choose the finest insurance for more coverage at less expense.

Individualized Support

Independent agents provide customized recommendations since they know the particular requirements of your company. By adding the appropriate coverages and endorsements, they personalize your insurance plan to provide enough protection without paying too much.

Skills and Advocacy

Specialized knowledge and support from independent agents help you through the insurance procedure. They provide a degree of assistance direct insurers might not offer and assist with claims on your behalf.

Extended Relationship

By routinely assessing and changing your coverage as your company grows, independent agencies create enduring connections. This guarantees that your insurance still fits your evolving demands.

Neutral Guidance

Independent agents offer objective advice free from affiliation with certain companies or bias. Their aim is to identify the ideal insurance option for your company without endorsing products from one supplier.

Protecting Your Business from Natural Disasters with Expert Insurance Coverage

At Thumann Agency, we are committed to protecting your business from the unexpected nature of natural disasters. Our trained team is here to answer your concerns and help you get the best insurance coverage for your individual needs. 

With more than 28 years of experience, we are dedicated to assisting Texas businesses through any problems. Trust us to use our experience to keep your business safe and robust.

Contact us at (972) 991-9100 or begin your Commercial Property Insurance quote online today.