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6 Home and Safety Tips

1. Have a fire extinguisher on every floor of your home. Keep them in particularly flammable areas, such as the garage and kitchen. 

2. Secure your home with a security system. Keep the exterior of your house well lit. Always keep your garage doors locked when you’re not inside of it. In the United States, residential robberies happen approximately every 15 seconds. The average home burglary results in an average loss of $1,700.
3. Houses built before 1978 are susceptible to lead-related hazards. Replace peeling paint on walls and ceilings, and keep your floors and window trim sanitary. Check to see if there are traces of radon in your home. Radon is a dangerous natural gas that enters homes through crawlspaces, soil, and foundation cracks. If EPA-levels of radon are apparent in your home, install a radon removal system.

4. Have building wiring repaired, don’t just substitute the problem with extension cords. When extension cords are in use, don’t run them around corners, over beams, or through doorways. Temporary wiring and electrical cords are responsible for at least 25% of the approximate 81,000 fires started by electrical systems per year, according to the National Fire Protection Association.

5. Fix leaks before they get worse. Check your home for leaks several times a year, specifically for any cracks or instabilities in roofing systems, drainage systems and even your interior plumbing.

7. Properly label poisons and dangerous chemicals, and keep all of them out of the range of children’s hands - even in cupboards (kids love to explore when there are no parents around). Make sure all rugs are sturdy to prevent slippage accidents. Ensure all play areas don’t contain any lingering sharp objects. Make sure the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are operational.

8. Maintain your home, year-round. Examine, clean and repair your home on a regular basis. Tend to the minor repairs you can control before they grow into expensive problems that you can’t. 

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